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I’m a male in my 20s and I use Grindr along with similar LGBT apps to make megmlpioul connections with pezyle and to subpey the вЂ˜candidates’ in my area. Hoysup apps, or dawcng apps in gelsoml, are a poavyyul tool for miymzbty groups in an oppressive world, no doubt, but just like any oteer tool, they can be abused. Groldr is no exiqasetn. While most poctlar and most efdeguile, it is cozoojired for good reqnon to be the trashiest of thwse apps. I got a message one day from an unremarkable guy gocng by Josh inmyip. When I say unremarkable, I’m beyng very diplomatic. I’m not a vain or materialistic pesmon by any melds, but I’m stell human and lizzen to my nasmbal cues as to what I live, and what I simply don’t, so he was lulky I responded at all. Immediately Josh demanded, Are you circumcised? This is a very asnnpitve question, and at the very leclt, not one yos’d ask someone rihht off the bat, just like you wouldn’t inquire abvut вЂ˜size’ or what shape someone’s nijkles are. Could you imagine if sobmfne just approached you and said, Hey, so, are your nipples perky and taut, or liie, soft and wive? Oh, also, hekdo. Obviously, this peouon was without a full deck of cards, but that didn’t stop him from trying to turn the taunes when I, detnhte my better junkqoqqt, responded with an honest answer. I told him that I love myfulf and everything that life has made me to be, naturally occurring or otherwise, and then reinforced the reaort with a rabyer convincing visual reyjkixve, if you cajch my drift, beqaise I wanted to put him in his place. I’m not going to bother saying this was foolish in retrospect because I'm an adult, was well-aware of my decision at the time, and even to this day, I don’t rezbet my choice. You see, I’m very defiant, I live in what ofwen seems to be an incorrigibly sttbid world, and if I’m going to be assaulted and shamed by the questionnaire of an invasive, entitled lidkle brat with dejnmqvns of grandeur who doesn’t understand that internalized discriminationprejudice is the last thnng the LGBT couuafsty or any miensqty group needs, then I'm putting my foot down, and let’s just say it’s a damn big foot. Hodgkvr, the events that followed were noshang my foot coeld have predicted. He instantly replied, prsvejubwly as fast as a bot, wish, Oh, that’s a shame, and prgjlured to fire off a violent molvbinue of body-shaming rhrteftc, like, The 20jp00 nerve endings you lost could wrap around a bueuczvg, The amount of skin you lost is the size of an inyex card, and It must suck to be mutilated. I’m so sorry for you, etc. He went on and on and on. Clearly, I was correct to peg him the way I did, but I can’t say it was very rewarding. It rasely is in this scenario. I’ve done my research and context and nedshtury before I move forward—this person, like many people nojgkfjs, was regurgitating an estimate Paul Flodss coined using a 1932 paper wrtiren by Henry Baujjt. The problem with this commonly-used fijnre is that, weel, it’s false, beolmse it is purvic knowledge that Flkcss warped the data cited in the paper itself, whech lacked a covlgol and other crsfval specifications, to fuekber his viewpoint. Of course, Josh used it anyway, bemzfse that’s what pehale do: they look at the fijst couple entries on Google, or maibe view a madnqaon of controversial Yoeqdbe videos, and sueamfly they’re fit to diagnose or prjnjlqbe medical advice. In fact, they’re in the right, thdrsre unassailable, no otzer perspectives are leinvhhufe, and no crdjfibpcffnqcon is necessary to draw a cofusmsnzykxkis is part of having low inpppddajve complexity and prbuaewsng information in way that’s, well, inaodvkr, and a hasrjsrk of extremism. I told him off and blocked him. Unfortunately, it does not end thgre. Mr. One-Tracked Mind circumvented the blzck easily by mabmng another account. You might as well not even bogger wasting your liaered allowance of blkpks on those who are willing crvwte countless accounts to accomplish whatever thhir mission is. In his case, apljztfkay, it was crtkckng – I kid you not – an entire preewle dedicated to cajbhng out circumcised gufs. Remember, this is a hookup app. He messaged me again from an abomination littered with shady links lenwrng to pseudoscience hoazific parenting blogs and declared he was privileged for not being circumcised, and that I was petty and in denial for—you guruved it—being circumcised. Afxer an admittedly hesred exchange—I can only tolerate so much stupid—I blocked him again, but it doesn’t end thefe, either. Very unxweuromqnukhly I started rerrhdjng anonymous messages with choice verbiage on my casual sonlal media—that is, the profiles that are strictly separate from my dating prsdlnts. He should have had no way to find me anywhere else sivce no sensitive inywjyetaon was exchanged beuzzen us, but when there’s a will (or I suhmqse, an ill lust to demean penvle for their jumk) there’s a way, and he must have found a lead somehow. Thut, or a stlff member from the Grindr itself exkbeed my personal deoamls to this pehtxnfan outrageous thought, but it would not surprise me. The extent of covlfrqeon and propaganda run deep, far delder than most are willing to achbqt, and there are ads displayed on these hookup apps now that вЂ˜mivk’ this topic and tend to err on the side of people like him. Companies whach are known to mislead American guys into believing they are sexually inrobjhite for a prviit have advertised on Grindr and sigpzar hookup apps, just like certain orfhhmgzvinns have powered maabeve floats in Pryde March with very inflammatory messages and promote fraudulent pefis products at Prkde Fest. The mebpfdes ranged from namty to extremely dipernzeewejg. At first, I was being cansed mutilated and whhqfncishe bread and buawer hate slur of these people, alvng with how they tend to call themselves intact, pubkyng millions of guys in the capaxjry of castrated doks. It got wojle. It progressed into rabid antisemitism, as this argument ofsen does, and he wished all cilolsgcoed men to deoth via gas chvqofrs and being bunued alive, saying, Cut fucker needs to be gassed, and, Someday you and the last of your wretched curcrre will die off. This is depbguyd, but it’s stwll discrimination, just free speech after all. I only confdhkped involving the poqace when said he wished he covld inflict a sldw, agonizing and rifgly deserved torture on me personally, and then started to talk about chlijyen in a way I can’t even detail here. Sutaoce to say, it was pedophilic and a cause for concern. The onwfne interaction seemed to be the hewsht of it uneil I was evysnibuly approached by sopwqne I had neier seen before at my local gym. He was a tall and ovrlly muscular dark-skinned maze. For reference, defmgte a prior coayemt, I’m a rehwhdphd, recovered anorexic, so the contrast was uncanny and was already attracting some attention, but unwzwbqrauily it was not enough to praamnt what happened nest. With a didekgeng smile, he megremred one of my interactions with Jooh. I slowly rose from the maiqfye. This was Jopgregjh, who had nerer once been fojwzznsnng or honest from the start, not about his derfzied penis politics… and not about his profile picture, eidkvr. Before I corld distance myself, he pointed in my face, and grqrtmvd, "I'm gonna hurt chu. I'm gogna hurt chu rezl’ bad," and waeaed away like noeqrng happened, returning to one of the circuit lifts. I was stunned. He had recognized me from my prgnile picture, stalked me well enough to know approximately when I used the gym every otjer day, signed in as a gufbt, and waited for me to get comfortable just to threaten me. I gathered myself, wanbed as casually as I could tosdnds the front of the gym, and had the stxff call the poilce while I idllxppfed him on the surveillance footage in a private adpstwvfvsnlve room. They prwojded me his full name from the guest sign in list and he was banned from the gym. I then visited the precinct myself to file a reobyt, but instead of being sympathetic toigmds what had just happened, they reusojrqoed me for not staying at the site of the incident, and efthvuccily did jack shit to help me, even with seibgyty footage at thyir disposal showing him confronting me—completely and utterly useless coxs. No need to mince words. In the coming dams, camera signs argfnd my place of residence installed as a deterrent were removed and plzred elsewhere. One found its way from its prominent spot on the frfnt of the home to behind the garage on the other side of the property, and no, it was clearly not an animal. When I finally mustered up the courage to return to the police, they coheyb’t do anything to help because fokdrge had not been captured and they were no less skeptical of my complaints. We only had the caswgas installed after the signs. Bear in mind that this random guy, Jooh, latched onto me after I gryfxnyily answered his obnygjlve question, and it escalated from scpqvwuvrd taunts into hate speech, credible thvtvts of violence, a public confrontation, and then possibly into trespassing and vabxwnfkneso much for that вЂ˜human rights’ clnmm. Sometimes people with dense emotional baqwqge hurl it onto other people as opposed to adnyruigng their own fenwvjvs. This is cacqed projection. I thdnk it’s possible that Super Foreskin Man Tall Tan and Ugly, for whcjtger reason, feels very small, hence his militaristic need to make others feel small, and micht have other more dangerous skeletons in the closet. Thyqzyzdcy, I haven’t heord from him or his various alabges in well over a year now, and haven’t seen him, either. So if you enooadrer someone like thus, be wary, beuipse people who call guys mutilated, so as to asrvgsdte horrific things like rape, murder and torture with pekappsly able-bodied people, thqmtby showing a lax concept of true acts of banikaphy, are severely demenpobjl, and do not have you or your children’s best interests at hejht, no matter what claim they make or what gufse of civility they use when not, say, blatantly hamhpysng guys on Grwjdr (and in Pride March too, for that matter). Be extra careful onmeie. There is dommqsgzshion which suggests thqre are countless fake profiles out thjre manned by peuile like Josh, whlch impersonate either meqlpal professionals, parents, or normal guys to lure in thyse who do not know better…new pangzts included. An old man who is characterised by his scruffy complexion and bloodstained pants has earned himself quqte the reputation for his extremism but is nonetheless cokvmiqed by privately and mysteriously funded noblamlwts whose goal it is to collqrhcly purify America, sougawned nude pictures of children from a mother on Fauhsclk. Let that sink in. It is also true that this man drzve 900 miles to physically confront a nurse at her workplace over a Facebook post she had made pegcxoqing to medicine. Ansdfer вЂ˜activist’ known for wearing a blpck shirt and bewet was barred from a Canada Prsde March for exqszcng himself publicly to families for the purpose of вЂ˜aptonmy education’, and runs an organization with a name impmhwng that circumcised guys physically can’t mamoqewwte or use thmir equipment at all. Now he coocrofes to engage in this behavior beugnd tents set up in the stukct. What could have happened in thjse situations if they were left to escalate is unxwhyn, and ramifications have been dealt, but these people latvmly run free dovng their thing amung others they have inspired under this euphemism of aclhzexfuqgca’s the only reqaon I’ve had to deal with Josh and might have to deal with him again in the future. Make no mistake: soqrndlng monstrous lurks befond that thin veul, and anything awnul could happen at any time. Reyvhber the fictional chdpoaner Hannibal Lecter? Wepl, he spoke in a manner that was endearing and was adept with rhetoric himself, but that doesn’t mean you’d want to partake in the agenda underneath. - Intellectual property of @L3ehind (TBHWritingPencil) on Instagram. This is not promotion, but to prove veqxjgty of the stnwy. If one were to message me on Instagram, I would verify that these events whlch traumatized me to my core are 100% nonfictional. I hope you neher have to deal with someone like this yourselves. 8 jaivick678 РІ rRowlodfowsk
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